Registered seat
Vojčík & Partners, s.r.o.
Rázusova 13
040 01 Košice
Slovak Republic
Phone: +421 (55) 6230111
Fax.: +421 (55) 6230112
ID: 368 66 563
VAT ID: SK 2022952239
Registered in the Commercial register of the District court Košice I, Section: Sro, File no.: 24916/V
Vojčík & Partners, s.r.o.
Hlavné námestie 5
811 01 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Phone: +421 (2) 44640522
Fax.: +421 (55) 6230112
Vojčík & Partners, s.r.o.
Národná 11
010 01 Žilina
Slovak Republic
Phone: +421 (41) 5640088
Fax.: +421 (55) 6230112
Vojčík & Partners, s.r.o. is a limited liability company providing legal services.
The company is registered as a limited liability company in register of the Slovak Bar Association (SAK). The law firm’s authorization to provide legal services was established by its registration in the list of limited liability companies providing legal services of SAK, in accordance with the Act no. 586/2003 Coll. on Advocacy and Act no. 455/1991 Coll. on Trade Licensing (Trade Licensing Act) as amended.
The company provides legal services on the basis of contracts concluded with clients in accordance with the relevant regulations, in particular the provisions of the Advocacy Act and the SAK statutes (available at
Contracts for the provision of legal services are concluded in accordance with the legislation of the Slovak Republic and in the event of a dispute, the jurisdiction of the respective Slovak courts applies.
Remuneration for legal services is contractually agreed before the start of the provision of services in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic no. 655/2004 Coll. on Attorneys’ fees and compensation for the provision of legal services, as amended.
The law firm is liable for damages caused by the performance of advocacy in accordance with the Advocacy Act and under the concluded contract. In case the law firm is found liable for damages caused in connection with the performance of advocacy, the law firm maintains insurance covering said damage on the basis of an insurance contract concluded with the insurer, KOOPERATÍVA poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurance Group, ID: 00 585 441, Štefanovičova 4, 816 23 Bratislava. The indemnity limit for any and all insurance claims occurring during the insurance period (lasting one year) is EUR 5,000,000. The insurance covers claims where the breach of duty, or another circumstance leading to the damages occurred in the territory of the Slovak Republic and in the territory of an EU Member State.
Further information on the provided legal services, as well as any complaints about the services of the law firm, can be submitted at the address of the law firm’s registered seat.
© 2025. Všetky práva vyhradené: Vojčík & Partners, s.r.o., advokátska kancelária | Ochrana osobných údajov