Vojčík & Partners has one of the most experienced legal teams in the field of intellectual property law led by professor JUDr. Peter Vojčík, CSc., senior partner, who is an internationally recognised expert on intellectual property law. In 2016 we were awarded a Law firm of the year award in the field of Intellectual property law.
Our team advises on a wide range of intellectual property issues related to intellectual property rights. We also provide advice on various aspects of information technology law and related commercial areas.
Intellectual property
We assist in identifying intellectual property and help with its protection, which includes registration of national, European and international trade marks, patents (inventions), designs, utilities, topography of semiconductors and other.
We have represented our clients in disputes concerning infringements of trade marks, domain names, copyrights, and other intellectual property rights, including preparation of legal actions and representation in court hearings, or legal assistance in negotiations with the counterparty leading to out-of-court settlements. We are provide legal services to authors, artists, producers and broadcasters. We are active in the fileds of business names, know-how, logos, protection of name and goodwill of a company, domain names and other.
In this field our legal services comprise of consulting and legal analyses concerning disputes under European law, especially with respect to the competition law and single market.
We represent clients during the procedure at the European Court of Justice (especially preliminary question) and European Court of First Instance.
Vojčík & Partners provides legal consulting related to all common types of mergers and acquisitions, for example sales of business shares, stocks, sales of enterprise, mergers, fusion and other transformations of companies. Lawyers working with Vojčík & Partners have participated in several significant mergers and acquisitions of both foreign and domestic investors.
Our services include:
Legal due diligence
We prepare legal opinions on target companies and their property which are provided to our clients in accordance with requested due diligence reports.
Our legal services in this field cover drafting, processing and revision contract documents related to transactions and further documents necessary for formal procedure. We offer our clients processing the proposal for transaction and transaction time schedule, preparation, revision and negotiation of contracts on business share transfer, stock sales contract and contract of sale of an enterprise.
Vojčík & Partners arranges necessary permits, licences and approvals from public administration bodies and provides legal advice on aspects of labour law in case of mergers.
Vojčík & Partners offers comprehensive residence visa services for foreigners in the Slovak Republic.
Our lawyers together with a team of experts provide consulting services and assistance to clients from the European Union and other countries during the whole process of issuing residence visa in the Slovak Republic, mainly acquiring necessary documents, completing forms, submitting applications for visa and assisting during proceedings at the foreign police.
In this field we provide consulting services and assistance to our clients with:
Permit for short term residence
Permit for short term residence for purposes of business, employment, study, specific activity, families living together in the country or performing duties by civil branch of Armed Forces.
Permit for long term residence
Permit without the condition of previous uninterrupted residence in the Slovak Republic, or under the condition of a previous uninterrupted residence in the Slovak Republic.
Work permits
We have a wide experience with the provision of work permits during the whole process of issuing work permits, mainly acquiring necessary documents, completing forms, submitting applications for work permit at the labour office.
Vojčík & Partners has a wide-range and long term experience in the field of real estates and construction law concerning all types of real estate property transactions including purchasing, selling, leasing of residential and non-residential premises, investment projects, financing, development activities and construction.
Due diligence
As a part of the services we ordinarily carry out legal due diligence of the properties subject to the transaction, acquisition documentation and many other documents. Our services include legal review of title deeds, previous transfer of ownership, construction documents and administrative permits, easements, lien rights over the targeted estate or other obligations.
Purchase, sale of the immovable property, lease and sublease of flats and non-residential premises
We provide legal guidance consisting of drafting, negotiating and revising of contracts regulating legal disposition of real estates (sales contract, contract of donation and deed of mortgage, leasing, sub-lease contracts).
We successfully represent individual investors during the whole process of purchasing a real estate, mainly while negotiating with the contracting party regarding entering into reservation contract, agreement to enter into sales contract, representing clients while negotiating with banks, real estate agencies, cadastral authorities, building offices and other administrative bodies.
We have participated on resolving disputes related to real-estate transactions listed above.
Financing and services of attorney custody
We ensure complete legal counselling including mortgage and credit operations, deed of mortgage and other security measures, depositing deeds with solicitor, depositing funds with solicitor to independent accounts including the option of notary deposit and bank deposit.
Lawyers of V&P provide to its clients comprehensive legal services when making acquisitions of real-estates, represent clients when bringing an applications for planning permission, building permits and administrative procedures. Our team provides consulting services concerning building of housing complexes, business and administration centres including assessment of contracts for the work done and providing for legal relationship with suppliers, engineering and designing professions.
Examples of our comprehensive legal counselling in the field of real-estate law:
Acquisitions of real-estates and due diligence for development and investment company from Kingdom of Spain, analysis of legal status, negotiations leading to an out-of-court settlement of multimillion Euro disputes in the field of construction law and claiming of damages by the client, long-term experiences with providing of legal services for an important real estate company operating on Czech and Slovak real estate market, providing legal service for joint-stock companies active in pharmaceutical industry including drafting, negotiating and revising of relevant contracts and representing at the cadastral office and other administrative bodies.
Vojčík & Partners offers highly professional legal services in the field of contracts, damage compensation, recovery of claims and Law of succession.
Our work includes drafting, commenting on drafting of typical or atypical contracts within the scope of civil law which are made-to-measure as per client’s request.
Damage compensation
In this area we help our clients to prevent damages and rationally distribute risks in their business relations during the stage of processing contractual documents. We represent clients in disputes relating to liability for damage.
Recovery of claims
We ensure legal advice while gaining claims or cession of claims. We represent our clients before courts and in out-of-court settlement negotiations.
Law of succession
We represent our clients in inheritance procedure including , but not limited to testament drafts and agreements of heirs.
Vojčík & Partners provides complex quality legal services in the area of labour law.
We assist our clients in the following:
Employment contracts
We draft different types of employment contracts (indefinite term contracts, fixed-term contracts) according to the requirements of Slovak law.
Termination of employment
We provide legal assistance in relation to the termination of employment contracts by legal advising on the most appropriate way of termination and the applicable procedures.
Health and safety conditions at work
We advise on the specific statutory requirements as to health and safety at work and the steps to be undertaken by employers in order to ensure compliance.
We represent our clients in employment litigations.
We provide legal services also in other employment law matters such as collective bargaining, accidents at work-place, preparation internal documents for employers, structuring of working hours, overtime work, temporary assignation of employees perform work to another employer, various types of compensation due by the employer according to Slovak law.
Vojčík & Partners provides expertise in all aspects of corporate law. Vojčík & Partners provides day-to-day legal support related to business in all legal forms of business activity. We prepare internal documents and internal rules for business companies.
We are able to draft, prepare and negotiate commercial contracts in accordance with the requirements of our clients.
We are capable to provide legal services to our clients in the area of Law of securities, Bill of Exchange and Cheque law, Banking and Financial law, tax law and Antimonopoly law.
Our expertise is focused at:
Company incorporation
We assist our clients in setting up of all forms of business companies including European company, joint-stock company, limited liability company, general and limited partnership, and branches of national and foreign legal entities.
Our services include advice on the most appropriate form of doing business in the Slovak Republic, drafting all the necessary incorporation documents and representing our clients at local administrative and judicial bodies
Corporate changes and winding-up of companies
Vojčík & Partners ensures all required or desirable corporate changes within the existing business companies (for example transfers of share ownership, changes of statutory representatives, members of the board of directors, members of the supervisory board, changes of company’s registered office, business name, objectives of the business activity, or any other changes of company’s foundation deed or articles of association).
We have provided legal assistance in several liquidations and bankruptcy proceedings.
Restructuring projects
Vojčík & Partners has assisted in diverse restructuring projects including mergers, de-mergers and other transformations of companies, sales of business and its parts.
In particular we have participated on:
numbers of capital increases by foreign investment companies in the Slovak companies in approximate value of € 10,000,000 (for example increase by monetary and non – monetary contributions, subscriptions of shares, and offset of receivables), legal counselling and realization of American-Korean joint-venture in value above € 5,000,000.
The litigation practice area is of great significance to Vojčík & Partners with a long and constantly developing tradition in the firm. In the field of legal disputes we provide strong support in proceedings at courts of any instance in which we have already recorded a number of significant achievements. We have acted in various litigations including problem solving from commercial, civil, administrative areas of the law. We were awarded a “Recommended Law Firm” award in 2015 in the filed of Litigation.
Our successful cases include:
several final judgements successfully contested by extraordinary remedies with a subsequent decision to client’s advantage, representation of a client in disputes related to the settlement of real-estate rights acquired to the ownership during the operation of an association, continuous representation of various eminent individuals from the Slovak Republic and foreign countries.
Vojčík & Partners prepared a key analysis of a procedural position of a governement enterprise in a dispute.
We are capable of providing highly qualified services for clients in the field of family law..
Community property
Our team provides legal support in extension or restriction of community property, its cancellation during marriage or settlement after a divorce.
Divorce procedure
We represent our clients during a divorce.
Relations to children
We assist our clients with settlement of relations to children and with adjustment of child support.
One of our specializations is legal support for clients who are active in the field of health care services. Among our clients there are significant joint-stock companies operating hospitals and pharmaceutical services for the whole area of the Slovak Republic.
Day-to-day substantive legal agenda
We provide day-to-day legal support and counselling relating to legal questions on business activities of our clients, legislation and contracts made with their business partners.
Vojčík & Partners has drafted, prepared and successfully negotiated with contractual parties, while entering into business and others contracts.
Legal disputes
We have represented our clients in disputes at courts during civil, commercial and labour law related procedures.
© 2025. Všetky práva vyhradené: Vojčík & Partners, s.r.o., advokátska kancelária | Ochrana osobných údajov